Monday, August 24, 2020

Healing the World Through Literature Essay

Writing has impacted our lives from numerous points of view. One is the manner in which we see the occasions around us. The media have consistently been educating and illuminating the general population regarding wars. Rather than advising us about how we can mend the world, all we hear is whose issue it was when a war breaks out. The inquiry here is: How would literature be able to assist with mending the world as far as war and harmony? This is significant in light of the fact that there are such a large number of wars on the planet and as opposed to battling we can utilize them to help make harmony and mend the world. We will at that point be capable think back to the past and figure how we can advance for whenever. It will likewise assist us with making harmony by permitting everybody to see one another. Thomas Hardy, Anthony Hecht and Muriel Rukeyser are three creators that help show how writing can mend the world. The main sonnet, Thomas Hardy’s â€Å"The Man He Killed† centers around the foolishness and worthlessness of war, where a man has executed another just in light of the fact that they were battling on rival sides at war. It was written in the perspective of one of the fighters who was enrolled in the infantry. In the initial refrain he states, â€Å"Had he and I however met by some old antiquated motel, we ought to have sat us down to wet right numerous a nipperkin! † (Hardy 347) By this he implies on the off chance that they met outside of a bar, they would have partaken in certain beverages together, but since of the war, they are compelled to take shots at each other. At that point it clarifies how they met as warriors in rival sides and one needed to kick the bucket so the two of them shot one another, yet the storyteller shot slaughtered the other. In the third verse, he discloses why he needed to slaughter him. Writing could assist us with war by showing this sonnet. The sonnet shows how in any event, when individuals simply meet that in light of a war, they are constrained and required to execute another man as opposed to having tranquility. Individuals battle in wars for every extraordinary explanation. A few people were destined to join the military and be warriors while others simply join to get by in existence with money related help from the military. In the lines thirteen through sixteen, towards the finish of the sonnet the creator is stating how both the men enrolled into the military since they were unemployed, and they expected to offer their snares to get cash, and now as a result of the war one of the men was slaughtered unwontedly by another man who joined in light of the fact that he was jobless too. In the subsequent sonnet called â€Å"More Light! All the more Light! † by Anthony Hecht, it discusses two unique stories in the sonnet. In the primary story there is a man who was being charged for a wrongdoing he petitions his God he didn’t submit. He states, â€Å"I beg my God to observe that I have made no crime† (Hecht 349). He was being scorched to death and one of the warriors who was consuming him on account of his wrongdoing felt seriously for the prisoner’s languishing. So he tossed black powder trusting it would burst into flames and to end the detainee of his hopelessness however the explosive didn't light, and the detainee was singed to death. â€Å"And that was nevertheless one, and in no way, shape or form one of the most noticeably awful; allowed in any event his desolate pride; and, for example, were by made supplications for the sake of Christ, that will pass judgment on all men, for his soul’s tranquility† (Hecht 349). The subsequent story is around three detainees who were brought to the forested areas, two Jewish detainees and one Polish detainee. The German watchmen constrained the Polish man to cover the Jewish men alive, yet the Polish man would not do it. So the German monitors rather changed the jobs, and the Polish man was shot in the stomach, covered up to his head, and was left there for three hours to seep to death. The subsequent story appeared to be a lot of more awful than the first on the grounds that the Polish man was enduring and was just left there with his contemplations and supplications as he gradually kicked the bucket. â€Å"No supplications or incense ascended in those hours which developed to be years, and consistently came quiet apparitions from the broilers, filtering through fresh air, and settled upon his eyes in a dark soot† (Hecht 350). Writing help with war and harmony since this sonnet shows the past how the Jews and Polish people were tormented by the Nazis and war. Also, this sonnet can encourage us how in any event, during the darkest occasions of war a few people like the Polish didn't keep his respect. Also, not be compelled to slaughter another man since war, regardless of whether the aftereffect of not listening is your own demise. In the third sonnet â€Å"Letter to the Front† by Muriel Rukeyser, discusses being a Jew in the twentieth century. This sonnet clarifies how Jewish individuals ought to be glad for being Jewish, and they shouldn’t conceal it. The Jewish individuals experienced a ton with World War II, with all the passings and sufferings, yet the Jewish populace shouldn’t attempt to shroud what they are. â€Å"Wishing to be imperceptible, you pick demise of the soul, the stone insanity† (Rukeyser 351). Stowing away implied lessening God to just what you are. The creator is stating that the Jews ought to be glad for what their identity is and what they have faith in. To put stock in God and appeal to God for opportunity to all individuals, and go to live the incomprehensible which can just occur with confidence to their God. Not by concealing who they truly are and their convictions. Writing can help with War and harmony by utilizing this sonnet to show that confidence in your God can assist you with overcoming any circumstance and not by avoiding your convictions and who you really are. A few people are as of now used to wars and viciousness that it doesn’t influence them. So as to discover harmony, we should initially put forth an attempt to see a wide range of individuals. As far as race, ethnicity, culture, values, religion, convictions, and so forth. At the point when individuals see life through somebody else’s eyes they comprehend what they experience. That would be the best way to stay away from brutality. Writing can recuperate the world after obliteration from war. Possibly one day we won’t need to stress over the war in light of the fact that there would be harmony. Work Cited: Solid, Thomas. â€Å"The Man He Killed. † Writing about the World. By Susan H. McLeod, John Jarvis, and Shelley Spear. Boston, MA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005. 346-48. Print. Hecht, Anthony. â€Å"More Light! All the more Light! † Writing about the World. By Susan H. McLeod, John Jarvis, and Shelley Spear. Boston, MA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005. 349-50. Print. Rukeyser, Muriel. â€Å"Letter to the Front. † Writing about the World. By Susan H. McLeod, John Jarvis, and Shelley Spear. Boston, MA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005. 351-52. Print.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Laundromax Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Laundromax - Case Study Example With my budgetary administration job, my arrangement for financing would begin with individual proprietor value. This would go about as a show to outside financial specialists of the individual trust that the originators have in the development and accomplishment of their business and thus worth a further affectation for extra outcast venture. With the goal for Laundromax to achieve independence as an organization, 100 stores must be set up at a gauge of $500,000 per completely useful and operational store. This puts the complete capital required to achieve independence at a gauge cost of $50,000,000. With such overwhelming introductory capital cost, individual value would not be adequate to meet this costs and henceforth the vision of the business. I would result to speculation capital with significant spotlight on speculation banks and investment firms who are willing and ready to raise a significant piece of the necessary capital as an end-result of a comparable stake in the compa ny’s resources. ... The rate at which the assets ought to be mixed in the business will be significantly reliant on the key development thought process of the administration. For this situation, from the given projections, the 100th store might be opened at some point in the fourth year of activity with the most elevated number of store opening before the 100th being in the third year. Along these lines, as indicated by the chronicled data and the estimates introduced, the ideal distribution of capital as indicated by the quantity of stores required would be $4,500,000 in the principal year, $11,500,000 in the subsequent year, $25,000,000 in the third year and $14,000,000 in the third year to achieve the 100th store mark easily. The above estimations of the capital necessity of the business in its different phases of improvement are not adequate budgetary projections to have the option to persuade potential speculators of the monetary sufficiency of the business and to give them affirmation of the secur ity of their venture. So as to introduce an appropriate money related arrangement in their field-tested strategy, Reese and Mounger ought to incorporate certain budgetary conjectures including: Cash stream estimates, An equal the initial investment investigation, An anticipated explanation of benefit or misfortune, and An anticipated proclamation of monetary position. There in, the income figures give a perspective on the normal money inflows and out streams to and from the organization, the make back the initial investment investigation shows the desire for future benefit by the organization specifying where the organization would liken costs to incomes created, An anticipated explanation of benefit or misfortune subtleties the normal incomes and costs to the organization, while the anticipated proclamation of monetary position shows a desire for the company’s holding of advantages and liabilities. With these projections, Reese and Mounger would have a

Friday, July 24, 2020

Inching Along COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Inching Along COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I know there are still many applicants anxious to receive an admission decision and the Admissions Committee is moving steadily along.   The first big burst of decisions that were sent (approximately 65% were sent out last Monday) represented hundreds of hours of review.   Even with over 7 weeks of meetings the Committee still needs additional time to complete the process.   As I have stated before, a lot of this has to do with the simple act of scheduling.   Getting Committee members together is a task in itself. Since Monday of this week we have sent out another 10% of decisions so we have crept up to the 75% mark.   We are still deliberating on all three classes of admission offers:   admit, waitlist, and those we will be unable to offer admission to. Ill keep this entry short so I can get back to the file review process . . .

Friday, May 22, 2020

John F Kennedy Essay - 1741 Words

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of United States, was born in Brookline, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917. His father, Joseph Kennedy Sr., was a wealthy investor who wanted his sons to be important figures in American politics. Joseph Kennedy Sr. always favored his oldest son, Joseph Jr., to achieve his familys long time ambition to become a President of the United States. However, his eyes turned to John, after Joseph was killed in battle during World War II. John knew he was going to be the replacement for his brother; only way to make his father happy was to become an important figure in American politics. In November of 1946, JFK was elected to the House of Representatives from the State of Massachusetts. He served in the†¦show more content†¦CIA director Allen Dulles ensured to Kennedy that this was going to be the perfect invasion. On April 17, 1961, the invasion of Bay of Pigs had begun. The invasion was a total failure, since nobody in the island showed any interest of joining the coup against Castro. Castros men captured 1189 prisoners and ransomed them for ten million dollars. It was the first major step for Kennedy during his administration, which gave him total humiliation. Later in his term, Kennedy refers to Bay of Pigs Cuba was a hell of a time. This convinced Kennedy never to trust anyone ever again. Moreover, maybe perhaps, this was why he was successful during the Cuban missile crisis. Kennedy focused on what he called Five Must Bills. The plan included federal assistance to public schools, hospital insurance for the aged, legislation for housing, aid to depressed areas, and increasing minimum wages. Kennedy knew that dealing with Congress could be difficult, since 21 Democrat seats in the house had been lost in the 1960 election. Although Democrats were still a majority, the South contributed 108 seats in the House, and 21 seats in the Senate. This was very hard for Kennedy since he wanted to focus more on the social changes that were happening in the country such as civil rights movement. In February of 1961, Kennedy submitted the minimum wage bill proposing to raise the hourly wage to $1.25. He also submitted a school-assistingShow MoreRelatedJohn F. Kennedy983 Words   |  4 PagesThe first Roman Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, fought through many hardships. Becoming the president at the age of 43, he went through many difficult trials to get that r ole due to his religion and health. Although he died early, he still managed to go beyond his presidential duties and accomplished a lot during his short term. John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. Ever since he was little, he has had very poor health. He suffered from a variety of diseasesRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy 1158 Words   |  5 PagesAssassination, and Legacy of John F. Kennedy written by Dean R. 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That is, until the assassinationRead MoreAnalysis Of John F. Kennedy892 Words   |  4 PagesAdam Frankowski Mr. Vollmer English 12A 11 October 2015 Rough Draft- John F. Kennedy â€Å"And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.† Quotes like this earned John F. Kennedy the respect of a nation and the reputation as a great leader. His life is a major part of United States history for all that he contributed. John F. Kennedy is considered a hero for his memorable actions during his navy career, his ability to easeRead More John F. Kennedy Essay979 Words   |  4 PagesJohn F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy was one of the greatest presidents of the twentieth century. He united almost the entire nation under a common goal; the Moon. His charisma could turn skeptics into believers, and strengthen the bond between himself and his supporters. He had so much charisma because he used many rhetorical devices in his speeches, the same rhetorical devices that have been wooing crowds of people since the time of Rome. One of his most memorable speeches he gave was at RiceRead MoreThe Legacy Of John F. Kennedy1176 Words   |  5 PagesJohn F. Kennedy did a lot for our country although his presidential term was cut short. He had a certain allure to him that Americans liked. Kennedy knew what to do to gain the votes of all different types of voters no matter their age, race, or religion. His campaign and presidency have inspired even today’s presidents and presidential candidates in multiple ways. John F. Kennedy was a spectacular man and president that brought a fresh feel t o America and who left a legacy that will never be forgottenRead MoreThe Legacy Of John F. Kennedy980 Words   |  4 PagesBorn in 1917, John F. Kennedy grew up in a wealthy family with influence both politically, and economically. His grandfather was a famous politician, his father a billionaire, and his brothers he grew up with would go on to become well known politicians. Growing up in a family like this, it would appear hard to distinguish yourself, however, JFK would go on to surpass them all by becoming the 35th, and perhaps most beloved president of the United States. As president JFK was popular. He was youngRead MoreAnalysis Of John F. Kennedy1589 Words   |  7 Pages History Project John F. Kennedy was one of the most dynamic and inspiring presidents the country would ever know of. His leadership was impeccable and he motivated people by his charm and charisma. He had several qualities that made him so applauded by people. One of these qualities is the quality of his speech that made him the hero of the country. Not just his country was enchanted with his speeches but also the whole world felt a lot of connection with the words Kennedy spoke. Speech is oneRead MoreThe Legacy of John F. Kennedy1129 Words   |  5 PagesPresidents relate in life and none in death. Most people know John F. Kennedy as the 35th President of the United States, the youngest president, and one of fewest presidents that was killed. But what was JFKs legacy? JFK was born on May, 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, a quiet, clam suburb in Boston. As a child John F. Kennedy was mostly referred to the name Jack, by friends and family. His parents, Rose and Joseph Kennedy were too involved with social rank and their place in BostonsRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy1738 Words   |  7 Pages President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Our Nation’s 35th President Andrew Hogenson History 112 June 15, 2015 John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President of the USA and served at that position only for three years as at the end of the third year he was assassinated in Texas. Even though his presidential term was not long, it was significant, mostly with the strong opposition against the USSR (in a person of its Prime Minister of that time, Nikita Khrushchev). President Kennedy’s name is associated

Thursday, May 7, 2020

John Sirica and The Ammidown Murder Essay - 2416 Words

When I discovered that my English class had to do a Research Paper, I became horrified. I thought students only did this when they were finishing graduate school not when they were starting their first year in college. All I knew about research papers was that there is an overwhelming amount of research to do. In my efforts to complete this obstacle and not bore myself to sleep with researching, I wanted to do an interesting topic, but I had no idea where to begin. I spent hours going through a great number of subjects and people, but once I found topic remotely interesting, I could not find much information on the Library of Congress website. Therefore, I decided to choose one word that would hopefully lead me to an interesting topic. I†¦show more content†¦Ammidown. This is typically because John Sirica was more important to the United States history due to his involvement in the Watergate Trails. I continued searching further into the United States v. Ammidown, when John was Chief Judge for the United States District Court, by finding sources on the Library of Congress website. At the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress there is a collection summary on The Papers of John J. Sirica that has 123 containers holding 38,000 items. I visited the Manuscript Division at the Library of Congress on April 4th , 2012. I was able to get hold of his Bench Book and files on the Ammidown case. I took a few pictures of some of the documents, but the information was overwhelming. A few weeks later I decided to come back to fully immerse myself into his Bench Book because I felt like that was the best way to comprehend John Sirica’s thoughts and opinions on the case. Nevertheless, the information within the book was hand written and is difficult to read. I used a camera to take pictures of the page that related to the case I’m researching in the bench book where I have started on deciphering the handwriting. Yet, the amount of time I have spent on trying to do so has made me realize that decoding the rest will take more than a while. There were other files

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

BSTRACT WidgeCorps’s management team Free Essays

string(140) " technique allow us to see the variables as they relate to one-another visually, but we are also able to additional variables to be tested\." ABSTRACT: WidgeCorps’s management team had a lack in understand of some of the key multivariate statistical techniques used by many companies to measure how variables react with one another. This paper will discuss how three of these techniques are commonly used and provides a recommendation for the company to use as they move forward with research and development of new products. This paper also compares and contrasts the different multivariate techniques. We will write a custom essay sample on BSTRACT: WidgeCorps’s management team or any similar topic only for you Order Now KEYWORDS: multivariate techniques, Chi-Square Test, multidimensional scaling There are many different multivariate techniques commonly used in businesses across the world. This paper will compare three commonly used techniques including factor analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, and cluster analysis. Additionally, I will provide my recommendation for WidgeCorp to follow as we move forward and dive into the cold beverage market. To begin, it is important to have a clear understanding about why and how a company will use multivariate techniques as part research. The term multivariate technique is somewhat of a blanket-term which includes many different techniques used by statisticians and researchers in many different fields, (Dayton, 2012). Multivariate techniques allow for companies to perform research on more than one variable to determine if there is a relationship between them. For many companies, the multivariate techniques are used to effective measure quality and safety, (Yang, 2010). WidgeCrop will be able to use each of the techniques as we move forward with our new business ventures into the cold beverage market. Factor Analysis: Factor analysis is one of the many techniques that can be used in different types of research projects. Factor analysis is most often used to compare variables which have a correlation to other confounding variables, (Dayton, 2012). Factor analysis will prove helpful after we have developed our products and are testing the new beverages in different markets. As an example, we could test the hypothesis that WidgeCorp’s new line of cold beverages burns more calories than our competitor Gatorade’s line of cold beverages. The observed variable would include whatever the ingredient is in the beverage which helps to burn calories. The confounding variable could be the level of activity of those participating in the study. As part of my research for this project, I looked into several companies who use factor analysis as part of their research efforts. Companies like Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets have been using factor-analysis to help them find the hottest trend, (Du, 2012). These companies generally use a five-step process to help them find the hottest trends. The first step is initial research used to gather data. The second step involves finding key trends or factors. The third step involves defining and interpreting the latest trends, (Du, 2012). The fourth step involves defining the trends/factors into variables. The final step entails projecting how successful the trends will become. By using the factor analysis method, social media outlets are able to successful be a part of the most trendy new products and services used by consumers across the globe. Cluster Analysis: Cluster Analysis is another technique that Widgecorp will likely use as part of our cold beverages research. Cluster Analysis lumps groups of related characteristics together, (Dayton, 2102). Cluster Analysis would be most helpful to WidgeCorp as part of the beginning stages of the research process. Cluster Analysis uses many different mathematical methods to help determine statistical significance. WidgeCorp will be able to use Cluster Analysis as we dive into market research. We will use Cluster Analysis to determine what populations of people that we should focus our marketing efforts on. When researching Cluster Analysis for this presentation, I came across a few examples of companies who used the Cluster Analysis technique, (Downes, 2012). The most impressive example came from a market research firm who used Gmail to advertise and market their subscribers. Gmail, a subsidiary of Google is able to track consumer data with every click that a consumer makes with their mouse as the cruise the internet. Market research firms collect data daily about consumers. They then make note of the buying and internet surfing trends of consumers. They use cluster analysis by putting the clusters or groups of consumers with similar trends together and then marketing new products or services to them, (Downes, 2012). Multidimensional Scaling: Multidimensional Scaling is another multivariate technique WidgeCorp could use while doing research. Multidimensional scaling is the most abstract of the multivariate techniques. While abstract, it was the easiest for me to comprehend. Multidimensional Scaling has two main objects. The first objective is to find a pattern somewhere in the data collected and presenting it visually for all to understand, (Wilkes, 1977). To visually display the data, Multidimensional Scaling places the data retrieved onto a three-dimensional plain. It is particularly useful when dealing with many different variables and allows the reader to see a visual representation on how they relate to one another. Multidimensional scaling is often used to test both the quality and safety of consumer products, (Yang, 2010). When researching the different multivariate techniques, I found some practical application of the Multidimensional Scaling method. The most interesting application I found was relating to international bank failures. Researchers collected data about 66 different Spanish banks and used the Multidimensional Scaling as a predictor in their financial stability, (Cinca, 2001). The research measured the financial liquidity of banks and compared it to both the banks who failed and the banks that were still in business. Another important Multidimensional Scaling technique I found involved the testing of air fresheners. Multidimensional Scaling was used by comparing some of the features of the different air fresheners separate while seeing if there were commonalities between different brands. Our group decided that multi-dimensional scaling would be the best method for WidgeCorp to use as we move forward and dive into the cold beverage market. When testing the safety, quality, and consumer likability of a product, it would make the most sense to use the multidimensional scaling technique. Not only will the technique allow us to see the variables as they relate to one-another visually, but we are also able to additional variables to be tested. You read "BSTRACT: WidgeCorps’s management team" in category "Essay examples" We can keep the dependent variables constant and change the independent variables as our research evolves. One of the main reasons Multidimensional Scaling should be used is that it will be easier to understand by people who have not been exposed in statistical research. For many members of our management team, statistics is a foreign concept. By using the Multidimensional Scaling technique, we will be able to not only research the statistical significance but present it in a manner which will be easily understood by our management team. We can then compare the results of the different tests we have conducted to see what has a stronger tatistical significance. For example, we can keep the same basic ingredients in our cold beverages, but just slightly change the color, flavor, or both the color or flavor and measure the consumer’s response to the slight changes. While conducting the research, we can collect consumer data such as age, gender, occupation, education, and how ofte n consumers purchase cold beverages. We will able to create three-dimensional planes to see how different combinations of the consumer data we have collected affect how much they like the color, flavor, or color and flavor of our new line of cold beverages. By adding a visual component to our research, we will be potentially able to visualize new relationships between the variables we are testing. Hypothesis Testing and Multidimensional Scaling: When in the research and development stage of our new cold beverage line, it is important that we are able to successfully test our hypothesis. We will test our initial hypothesis which states that WidgeCorp’s new line of cold beverages helps to burn calories than a competitor’s line of cold beverages by use the Chi-Square Test to test our hypothesis. We can develop this research further by creating a multinomial experiment by testing data in more than two categories, (Bowerman, 2012). We will do many studies to determine how successful our new beverages are in burning calories. We will test it amongst many populations including children, teenagers, and young adults. Our study will also compare results based upon gender, education, and occupation. We will also factor in levels of activity: no activity, moderate activity, and extreme activity. Essentially we will be testing how effective our new beverages are in burning calories amongst many different populations. To effectively test our hypothesis, it is important that we have a significant amount of willing participants in the study. We will need to find equal numbers of people willing to participate in the different categories we are testing. If we have too few test subjects, any statistical significance found will be not taken seriously by members of our research team. Additionally, it could harm the integrity of our company and could tarnish our reputation with the general public. The best way to test our hypothesis will then be to use the Chi-Square Test. The Chi-Square test begins with a contingency table with as many rows and columns as there are variables to test. We can use the contingency tests to test many different variables. Bellow, I have created a basic contingency table which will compare the total additional calories burned after drinking the WidgeCorp and Gatorade. The contingency table below shows females only and would be repeated with males. The data could be combined on the same contingency table or on a different contingency table. In this scenario, we are testing age, gender, and activity level and comparing it between our beverage and that of our competitors. The Chi-Square test will test the difference between the calories burned by the WidgeCorp beverage and compare it with the Gatorade beverage to determine if it is statistically significant, (Berenson, 2010). The statistical significance will signify two important pieces of information: which of the beverages helps burn the most categories and if the amount of calories burned is statistically significant. | Calories: WidgeCorp| Calories Gatorade| Female age 6-12 (sedentary)|   |   | Female age 6-12 (moderate)|   |   | Female age 6-12 (extreme)|   |   | Female age 12-16 (sedentary)|   |   | Female age 12-16 (moderate)|   |   | Female age 12-16 (extreme)|   |   | Female age 16-20 (sedentary)|   |   | Female age 16-20 (moderate)|   |   | Female age 16-20 (extreme)|   |   | Female age 20-24 (sedentary)|   |   | Female age 20-24 (moderate)|   |   | Female age 20-24 (extreme)|   |   | If we are able to prove that our new cold beverage line actually does burn more calories than our competitor Gatorade, we will likely see our competitor attempting to test our hypothesis. They will likely claim our hypothesis is false and thus test the null-hypothesis. The null-hypothesis will state Widgecorp’s line of new cold beverages does not burn more calories than Gatorade. The subsequent alternative hypothesis will state that Widge Corp’s line of new cold beverages does burn more calories than Gatorade. Our competitors will use the Chi-Square method to determine if our original hypothesis is false. Once our data has been collected and analyzed, it can be presented in a three-dimensional model to help present and organize the data in a visual manner. We will be able to see additional relationships when posting all of the data together on the same three-dimensional plane. Commonalities of the Different Techniques: The main commonality I find between all the different techniques discussed in this paper is the fact that they deal with multiple variables and thus are all multivariate techniques. Each method has its place within the realm of research and it is likely that WidgeCorp will use all three. All three techniques can use the Chi-Square test to test the validity of the hypothesis they are testing. Differences of the Multivariate techniques: The major different to note about the different techniques is how the techniques look at relationships between variables. Multidimensional Scaling differs from the other techniques the most in how the data is presented visually. Multidimensional Scaling uses a three dimensional plain to display the relationships between variables. The cluster analysis method looks to see if there are â€Å"clusters† or groups of data which are clumped together to denote any commonalities between the results. Factor Analysis looks to compare two different types of variables relate to one another. Multidimensional Scaling focuses mainly on commonalities, but looks to define the commonalities on a three-dimensional plain. To conclude, while the different multivariate techniques have a valuable place, for our purposes the Multidimensional Scaling technique will prove the most beneficial. While all techniques are similar in that they are working with multiple variables, the approaches differ. Upon reading this paper, the management team at WidgeCorp should have a sound understanding of the different multivariate techniques. References: Berenson, M. , Krehbiel, T. , Levine, D. (2010). Business Statistics: A First Course. Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Borgatti, S. (1997). Multidimensional Scaling. Retrieved 09-09-2012 from http://www. analytictech. com/borgatti/mds. htm. Cinca. , C. , Molinero, C. , (2001). Bank failure, a Multidimensional Scaling approach. Eurpoean Journal of Finance. 7(2)18. Dayton, D. , (2012). Multivariate statistics. Retrieved 09-23-2012 from https:/ /campus. ctuonline. edu Downes, L. , (2012). Customer intelligence, privacy, and the â€Å"Creepy factor†. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 09-09-2012 from http://blogs. hbr. rg/cs/2012/08/customer_intelligence_privacy. html. Du, R. , Kamakura, (2012). Qualitative trend spotting. Journal of Marketing Research. 49(4)22. Keough, M. , Quinn, G. , (2001). Design and Analysis for biologists. Retrieved from http://bio. classes. ucsc. edu/bio286/MIcksBookPDFs/QK18. PDF. Yang, Z. , Yingwei, Z. , (2010). Process monitoring, fault diagnosis and quality prediction methods based on multivariate statistical techniques. IETE Technical Review. 27(5)14. Wilkes, R. , (1977). Product positioning by multidimensional scaling. Journal of Advertising Research. 17(4)5. How to cite BSTRACT: WidgeCorps’s management team, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Mother Tounge free essay sample

Chinese-American, who grows up speaking Chinese and English (many different forms of English). She talks about how not being able to speak English can create some real difficulties. She tells stories about how her mother spoke, what she calls broken English, and how it affected her everyday life, as well as her daughters. At first she was ashamed of her mothers English, and that if reflected the quality of what her mother was trying to say.In this story Amy Tan ants to present her position and belief in a rational and effective way. Her purpose of Mother Tongue is to explain how the various languages that she has used with her mother were important and influential in her life. She explains that even though immigrants whose native languages are not English are unable to speak English fluently to express their thoughts and opinions, their thoughts are not unimportant and incorrect. We will write a custom essay sample on Mother Tounge or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Amy Tan wrote about her and her mothers experiences to support her point.She talks about the video to explain about mothers talk style these evidences are very effective because it makes the readers to sympathize with the author. Towards the end of the story I feel like her attitude changes, and she becomes inspired by her mother, and started writing things not in English, or Chinese per-say, but in a way that showed passion, imagery, the rhythms of her mothers speech, and the nature of her mothers thoughts. She knew she had succeeded when her mother finished reading the book and said So easy to read (p. 4).